B.O.S.S is a school-based youth led prevention (YLP) program for students (both young women and young men) in our Fulton County Schools, often implemented at the middle school/junior high or elementary level. The program was developed in 2018 and is coordinated by our staff at the Fulton County Health Department (FCHD), with funding provided through an Ohio Mental Health and Addiction Services (OMHAS) grant.
In the 2022-23 school year, B.O.S.S. was expanded to include co-ed participants and implemented in Archbold Middle School, Evergreen Middle School, and Pettisville Junior High. The program is based on the needs of each district, held during the school day and most programs meet 1 – 2 x a week for a semester. We want to continue to expand our youth-led prevention programming throughout the district.
To learn more, please contact Beth Thomas at bthomas@fultoncountyoh.com or via phone at 419 337 0915 ext. 2320.
Many of our residents are familiar with our community-based, high school youth led program, known as YAC (Youth Advisory Council). Follow this link to learn more about our YAC program. http://www.hc3partnership.org/youth/yac
What is Youth Led Prevention?
The goal of YLP in Ohio is for young people to collectively engage in a planning process to create and implement a strategic plan that uses evidence-based strategies to create community-level change.
At the core of YLP in Ohio, young people participate in collective activities and experiences that are intended to spark their interest and enhance their ability to address local issues. In short, YLP programs empower young people to create community change.
Watch this video to learn more about youth led prevention.
To increase your understanding of the value of youth led prevention, consider exploring this website.
Want to bring B.O.S.S. to your school district?
To start planning for your B.O.S.S. group for this upcoming fall semester, please contact Beth Thomas at bthomas@fultoncountyoh.com or at 419 337 0915 ext. 2320.