What is B.o.s.s. (Beyond our selves & school)? 

B.O.S.S is a school-based youth-led prevention (YLP) program for students in the 5th-8th grades of local districts within Fulton County. B.O.S.S sessions are conducted during the school day and are facilitated by staff from the Fulton County Health Department.

The program is modeled after YAC (Youth Advisory Council), the county’s community-based high school youth led prevention program and is adaptable to meet the needs of each school district. The students participating in B.O.S.S. are provided opportunities to practice leadership and teamwork, learn tools and strategies for goal setting and group work, and gain an understanding of data collection and analysis.

The B.O.S.S. coordinator guides the youth as they learn a strategic planning process, identify a concern in their school/community, build the necessary capacity and resources to assist with their selected topic, and create and implement their plan for positive change.   

What is Youth Led Prevention

The goal of YLP in Ohio is for young people to collectively engage in a planning process to create and implement a strategic plan that uses evidence-based strategies to create community-level change.

At the core of YLP in Ohio, young people participate in collective activities and experiences that are intended to spark their interest and enhance their ability to address local issues.  In short, YLP programs empower young people to create community change.


Want to bring B.O.S.S. to your school district?

To start planning for the implementation of the B.O.S.S. in your district, please email Levi Keller at levikeller@fultoncountyoh.com or at 419 337 0915 ext. 2367.